Our Hawaiian Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy: Focus On Facts
- OUR HAWAIIAN MONARCHY/CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY: FOCUS ON FACTS- A Pictoral History Updated -by Amelia Gora, a Royal person (2015)Countering Lies, Indoctrination, the following is purposeful for kanaka maoli, friends, and those who seek the truth.These are our Alii Nui:
Kamehameha began the Hawaiian Monarchy in 1810. He also treatied with Aetearoa and the Samoan Islands. The three (3) nations 1) Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/Kingdom of Hawaii; 2) Aetearoa (New Zealand); and the Samoan Islands together were called the Pacific Empire, a democratic group.Kamehameha had 19+ children, 3 hanai/adopted children, 6 step children who were Kalaniopuu's children, and 9 step children who were Kaumualii's children.
Kamehameha II – Alexander Liholiho, was a son of Kamehameha. He tried to learn about the Monarchy government in England. He and one of his wives named Kamamalu died of measles.His widows were Pauahi, Kinau, Kekauonohi, Kekauluohi/Auhea, Liliha, and Pali. They were all the step mother's of Kamehameha's 19+ children, 3 hanai/adopted children, Kalaniopuu's 6 children, and Kaumualii's 9 children.
Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli, was a son of Kamehameha. He shared his properties with the people, and the Hawaiian government, which is NOT the entity State of Hawaii, a Pirate on the high seas.Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli had four (4) wives: Nahienaena, Kekualoa, Gina Lahilahi, and Kalama.Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli had ten (10) children and (2) step children:Keawe, Keawe 2, Opunui, Kekipi, Mahoe, Keawe, Kahalaoa, Papa, Nalimu, and Albert Kunuiakea. His two step children were Kahue and Pohihi. - The Hawaiian Kingdom was recognized in the Law of Nations:
- the following documents are very important due to the recognition of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1844.In 1849, a Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America was made, it was ratified by the U.S.A. Congress.The Treaty is between the Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's heirs and successors and the United States of America.The Treaty is still in effect because Kamehameha III's heirs and successors exists.Note: The heirs of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli his children: Keawe, Keawe 2, Opunui, Kekipi, Kahalaoa, Keawe, Mahoe, Papa, Nalimu, and Albert Kunuiakea.The successors of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli were six (6) of Kalaniopuu's children, 19+ of Kamehameha's children, and nine (9) of Kaumualii's children.The heirs and successors were specific and were related. They were living, human beings and not entities, organizations, foreigners, etc.
Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho was adopted/hanai of Kamehameha III. He was a true grandson of Kamehameha.The Queen’s Hospital was supported by he and his wife Emma. Kanaka Maoli have free health care at the hospital.
Kamehameha V – Lot Kamehameha was an older brother of Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho. He was a true grandson of Kamehameha.The haole/foreigners used his signature to assume large tracts of Crown Lands, water rights, etc. through his signature while he was the Minister of Interior. Even Governor Poindexter in 1936 used his signature long after he died! Yes, thieves, identity thieves, criminal acts are documented by the haole/foreigners.It was in 1868 when this flag of our Hawaiian Kingdom appeared in the haole/foreigners records:
The flag colors appears to be WHITE, DARK BLUE, RED, WHITE, DARK BLUE, RED, WHITE, DARK BLUE
- In 1871, the Bankers made a secret U.S. Constitution.
- The 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America locked in the U.S. Constitution since 1850.
- The Bankers Constitution is not part of the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom
- and the United States of America.
King William Lunalilo – he was the son of Kekauluohi, Auhea and Charles Kanaina. His mother was married to Kamehameha, and when he died, she married Kamehameha II. It was part of the Royal Families tradition. Multiple marriages were acceptable for the Royal Families.Kekauluohi was the step mother of all of Kamehameha's children, step children and hanai/adopted children. Her husband Charles Kanaina became the step father of all of Kamehameha's children, step children and hanai/adopted children.
King David Kalakaua – He was not a Kamehameha but he did attend the Royal School (see the Calendar article above). His mother Keohokalole was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant.In 1881, King Kalakaua tried to sell the Hawaiian Islands to Japan.In 1885, King Kalakaua tried to trade the Hawaiian Islands to the United States for 8,000 acres of California land, and several million dollars.King Kalakaua became a documented treasonous person.King Kalakaua was forced by the haole/foreigners to sign a Constitution which removed many of his rights. His sister Liliuokalani called the 1887 Constitution the Bayonnet Constitution.Note: Is it right to have foreigners force someone to sign important documents while they point guns at the person?A treasonous person that he was, King Kalakaua was under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion.King Kalakaua had his own flag made:
A U.S. representative asked for loans from the King and the House of Nobles. The House of Nobles said NO because they would not pay the loan back for thousands of years. The Americans intended to pay only small amounts each month.His cousin named Robert Wilcox tried to take over the Hawaiian Kingdom. He was charged with treason and pardoned.
Queen Liliuokalani – She was the sister of King David Kalakaua. Their mother was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant. She too attended the Royal School and was eligible to be a Hawaiian leader.The Americans did not like Queen Liliuokalani because she knew some of the things that they were up to.Once again, Robert Wilcox and others, tried to take over the Hawaiian Kingdom. Once again he was tried for treason, and he was released. Robert Wilcox appeared to be testing his cousins to help the Americans.Many people tried to pay the Queen for the Hawaiian Islands. They claimed to be Hawaiian subjects but were actually Americans and treasonous, criminals to the Hawaiian Kingdom.Even the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, former American Civil War General, and U.S. President Grover Cleveland were in on it with England and the bankers (Morgan bankers, Bank of England, and others).They planned the takeover of our Hawaiian Kingdom since they started to say that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the last of the Kamehameha’s. That was a lie! Many descendants existed then and exists today.The U.S. Congress with the U.S. President(s), the military, etc. gave orders to take over the Hawaiian Islands on January 8, 1893:
Additional plans were passed on to the Americans in Hawaii on January 14, 1893:
Note: Queen Liliuokalani owned sugar plantations. The haole/foreigners were unkind to the workers. They treated people of color like slaves and did not recognize the Hawaiian Kingdom’s anti-slavery law of 1852.
About Princess Kaiulani. Queen Liliuokalani did not abdicate over to her.
The Diary of the QueenNote: The haole/foreigners/Americans/Congress deprived her and her subjects, even after Oppositions were made through the KUE Petition. She had been imprisoned, her belongings were removed by treasonous persons, she had been arrested and called treasonous by the Pirates. She was pardoned. The Hawaiian Kingdom was under martial law.In 1899, the United States of America evolved into two nations: 1) the United States and 2) the American Empire.Reference: Peacock vs. the Republic of Hawaii case, First Circuit CourtQueen Liliuokalani was placed back on the throne in 1915 as Queen for a Day to celebrate Balboa Day or Pan Pacific Day.The aged Queen was taken advantaged of and signed illegal contracts with the Territory of Hawaii officials, etc.Queen Liliuokalani left a Will which shows that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the haole/foreigners. However, she did sign a Trust Deed with her hanai/adopted daughter.
Prince Kuhio tried to declare her to be incompetent, a crazy person. Queen Liliuokalani maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the haole/foreigners.Prince Kuhio took an out of court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani after she died in 1917.Prince Kuhio and Prince Kawananakoa were treasonous persons, were Masons/Freemasons part of a group who helped to remove Queen Liliuokalani from her position.Both Princes, although listed and schooled as Princes, they were relatives of Queen Kapiolani and were not the bloodlines of King David Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani.Prince Kuhio and Prince Kawananakoa purchased an interest of the Queen Liliuokalani Trust from a descendant of the adopted daughter of the Queen’s true Trustee. She was not the bloodline of her true Trustee.CONCLUSIONThe Kamehameha's exists. Kamehameha III's - Kauikeaouli heirs and successors exists and they are specific.HeirsKamehameha III - Kauikeaouli had four (4) wives: Nahienaena, Kekualoa, Gina Lahilahi, and Kalama.Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli had ten (10) children and (2) step children:Keawe, Keawe 2, Opunui, Kekipi, Mahoe, Keawe, Kahalaoa, Papa, Nalimu, and Albert Kunuiakea. His two step children were Kahue and Pohihi.The Heirs are specific.Successors
Kamehameha had 19+ children, 3 hanai/adopted children, 6 step children who were Kalaniopuu's children, and 9 step children who were Kaumualii's children.The successors are specific.Identity Thieves/Pirates/Pillagers/FraudsThe Pirates in place who called themselves the "Territory of Hawaii" which became the State of Hawaii claimed to be the "successors of the Kingdom of Hawaii" and are not.The Territory of Hawaii, which became the State of Hawaii through Executive Order signed by President Eisenhower, is documented as the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" and Identity thieves.The Heirs and Successors are specific and are living, human beings, and not a corporation, entity, criminal based entity which evolved from the premeditation activities of the House of Representatives, a voted in 1/3 part of the Kingdom of Hawaii which was temporary. The entity became the Provisional government, turned Republic of Hawaii, the Territory of Hawaii and the State of Hawaii, remaining criminals, conspirators, treasonous based entity supported by the United States government, etc.Reference: HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Pa Pelekane Case (1912), Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.The Pirates maintain Trusts that they do not have ownership to. The Kuhio and Kawananakoa’s are Kanaka Maoli Pirates who support the haole/foreigners/Americans through their criminal claims, lies, deceit, and supported by the U.S. Many issues remain. Ramifications are ongoing.The Akaka Bill moved to have an illegal, criminal, racketeering, Piracy(ies) once and for all and proclaim our neutral non-violent nation an indigenous bunch of ignorants who have nothing, own nothing, and are nothing.Akaka along with the Americans, et. als. look to claim an already recognized nation as a bunch of Indians under their authority ignoring the facts our people remain innocent of all of the ills, criminal activities, wrongdoings, plundering on all for the want, the lust, the greed, intent to rape, kill, deceive, commit ongoing genocide, criminal activities by slowly killing our people through depleted uranium/DU and other toxins.The Akaka Bill failed several times and Neil Abercrombie moved to recognize the Office of Hawaiian Affairs as a Hawaiian government, funneling Sovereigns monies to a State entity which is documented as a fraudulent set up, identity thieves developed by identity thieves, etc.Other criminal set ups have been pursued by the identity thieves which includes Kau Inoa, Kanaiolowalu, and the recent fraudulent set ups with the Danner's in the leadership roles, etc.They are the identity thieves, the Pillagers, Pirates, Plunderers, Fraud makers,Terrorists of our Royal Families, the Kamehameha's heirs and successors, Kamehameha III's - Kauikeaouli's heirs and successors who maintain the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America and have invoked and documented Article XIV listing the Pirates, Pillagers, Frauds, etc. by the Judicial Tribunal of the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii since 2014.Public notice has also been made after notifying the President of the United States and the American Empire/President Obama of the criminal charges, stripping of lands from those 430 persons/entities for all in our Hawaiian archipelago, and the World to see, etc.aloha.
- References: theiolani.blogspot.com http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on February 26, 2012 at 1:46am
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Because the Sovereigns descendants and heirs exists and we who are the "heirs and successors" in the permanent Treaty of 1850, the Crown Lands, Trusts, etc. belongs to our families.
Treaties supercede State Laws according to the Constitution which was in effect at the time of the 1850 Treaty which was signed by the U.S. President Taylor.
- 1. George Washington
- 2. John Adams
- 3. Thomas Jefferson
- 4. James Madison
- 5. James Monroe
- 6. John Quincy Adams
- 7. Andrew Jackson
- 8. Martin Van Buren
- 9. William Henry Harrison
- 10. John Tyler
- 11. James K. Polk
- 12. Zachary Taylor
- 13. Millard Fillmore
- 14. Franklin Pierce
- 15. James Buchanan
- 16. Abraham Lincoln
- 17. Andrew Johnson
- 18. Ulysses S. Grant
- 19. Rutherford B. Hayes
- 20. James Garfield
- 21. Chester A. Arthur
- 22. Grover Cleveland
- 23. Benjamin Harrison
- 24. Grover Cleveland
- 25. William McKinley
- 26. Theodore Roosevelt
- 27. William Howard Taft
- 28. Woodrow Wilson
- 29. Warren G. Harding
- 30. Calvin Coolidge
- 31. Herbert Hoover
- 32. Franklin D. Roosevelt
- 33. Harry S. Truman
- 34. Dwight D. Eisenhower
- 35. John F. Kennedy
- 36. Lyndon B. Johnson
- 37. Richard M. Nixon
- 38. Gerald R. Ford
- 39. James Carter
- 40. Ronald Reagan
- 41. George H. W. Bush
- 42. William J. Clinton
- 43. George W. Bush
- 44. Barack Obama
Zachary Taylor
Northerners and Southerners disputed sharply whether the territories wrested from Mexico should be opened to slavery, and some Southerners even threatened secession. Standing firm, Zachary Taylor was prepared to hold the Union together by armed force rather than by compromise.
Born in Virginia in 1784, he was taken as an infant to Kentucky and raised on a plantation. He was a career officer in the Army, but his talk was most often of cotton raising. His home was in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and he owned a plantation in Mississippi.
But Taylor did not defend slavery or southern sectionalism; 40 years in the Army made him a strong nationalist.
He spent a quarter of a century policing the frontiers against Indians. In the Mexican War he won major victories at Monterrey and Buena Vista.
President Polk, disturbed by General Taylor's informal habits of command and perhaps his Whiggery as well, kept him in northern Mexico and sent an expedition under Gen. Winfield Scott to capture Mexico City. Taylor, incensed, thought that "the battle of Buena Vista opened the road to the city of Mexico and the halls of Montezuma, that others might revel in them."
"Old Rough and Ready's" homespun ways were political assets. His long military record would appeal to northerners; his ownership of 100 slaves would lure southern votes. He had not committed himself on troublesome issues. The Whigs nominated him to run against the Democratic candidate, Lewis Cass, who favored letting the residents of territories decide for themselves whether they wanted slavery.
In protest against Taylor the slaveholder and Cass the advocate of "squatter sovereignty," northerners who opposed extension of slavery into territories formed a Free Soil Party and nominated Martin Van Buren. In a close election, the Free Soilers pulled enough votes away from Cass to elect Taylor.
Although Taylor had subscribed to Whig principles of legislative leadership, he was not inclined to be a puppet of Whig leaders in Congress. He acted at times as though he were above parties and politics. As disheveled as always, Taylor tried to run his administration in the same rule-of-thumb fashion with which he had fought Indians.
Traditionally, people could decide whether they wanted slavery when they drew up new state constitutions. Therefore, to end the dispute over slavery in new areas, Taylor urged settlers in New Mexico and California to draft constitutions and apply for statehood, bypassing the territorial stage.
Southerners were furious, since neither state constitution was likely to permit slavery; Members of Congress were dismayed, since they felt the President was usurping their policy-making prerogatives. In addition, Taylor's solution ignored several acute side issues: the northern dislike of the slave market operating in the District of Columbia; and the southern demands for a more stringent fugitive slave law.
In February 1850 President Taylor had held a stormy conference with southern leaders who threatened secession. He told them that if necessary to enforce the laws, he personally would lead the Army. Persons "taken in rebellion against the Union, he would hang ... with less reluctance than he had hanged deserters and spies in Mexico." He never wavered.
Then events took an unexpected turn. After participating in ceremonies at the Washington Monument on a blistering July 4, Taylor fell ill; within five days he was dead. After his death, the forces of compromise triumphed, but the war Taylor had been willing to face came 11 years later. In it, his only son Richard served as a general in the Confederate Army.
The Presidential biographies on WhiteHouse.gov are from “The Presidents of the United States of America,” by Michael Beschloss and Hugh Sidey. Copyright 2009 by the White House Historical Association.
Learn more about Zachary Taylor 's spouse, Margaret Mackall Smith Taylor.
Because the Treaty of 1850 is in place, it appears that it is only right that the State of Hawaii, the City and Counties in the Hawaiian Islands be placed under the American Embassy or the American Consulate in the Hawaiian Islands.
Queen Liliuokalani did document the fact that the U.S. breached the Law of Nations.
The Treaty of 1850, however was a permanent agreement made between the United States/United States of America and the Sovereign his heirs and successors.
Judicial Tribunal of the Hawaiian Kingdom has documented more than 430 persons/entities to date, which means that those on the list are pillagers, pirates, frauds, etc. and must be taken back by their nation/United States, etc.
Rents and Leases are and remain due for the rents and leases of the Crown Lands, Government lands in the amount of $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins/bullions. Additional costs for the use of our families lands/private properties will be calculated with the assist of our Kamehameha families.
Amelia Gora
p.s. The grave robbers at Kawaiahao Church needs to return all the gold coins, pearls, jade, ivory, lei niho palaoa, Niihau shells, other valuable items which were stolen from the iwi. The iwi needs to be returned to their graves and the Kawaiahao Church may build on our families lands across the street located next to the Attorney Generals offices. Long term leases have been approved by our families. The State of Hawaii owes rents and leases for their sitting on our families private properties, properties of Kamehameha's descendants, which includes the State Capitol, the Iolani Palace, the Main Library, the DLNR building, etc. sitting on our ancestors lands.
Tags: Hawaii, Hawaiian, Judicial, Kingdom, Liliuokalani, Military, Pillagers, Pirates, Queen, Tribunal, More…
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